Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Truly Classic!!

This is so amazing! I have not watched this in along time! but every time you see it it gives you nothing but chills! these are moments captured in time and those who were there were blessed to be around such women of  strength, grace, wisdom, courage! to have heard the stories of the things they had to overcome and endure and all while keeping their heads high ! somewhere deep don inside they knew of a generation that had yet to be born! that would be able to do the things they saw only in their dreams! to know women of the past who had to endure things not even the human mind could fathom! and to see such a woman as Oprah honoring those that went ahead speaks so much then mere words can say! to know that a woman another African American woman had the honor to do so is so moving and powerful! you can feel the energy and the spirit of those 3 what had to be an amazing moments! filled with love , honor and respect! this will be Timeless! many of these women are  gone now! and what a rare moment it had to be to hear the words of such Love flow from so many before their passing! You don't have to be a woman in these various fields to be honored! that is something we can do with the women in our lives everyday! we may not be able to do it on this grand scale! but it's moving none the less to see someone who could. and end the end if having money is only to heap on to yourself what is that anyway! having money is all about being a blessing! and passing the blessings on. Truly a moment in time!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Monday, September 9, 2013

Serena Rocks!

Once again Miss Williams had us on the edge of our seats! Eating at cheddars with my family they had it turned on and turned up! to see the match! I was so nervous I kept looking away!:) personally so much was going on this month I lost track of the U.S open! so when I saw it on I thought maybe she was trying to make it to the finals! then my sister checked her phone and said this is the finals! so we ate got ready to go and I was in the parking lot! when she came out saying Serena had come back and she won! We all screamed YES!!! She fought her way back and won I thought she was going to lose this one but she pulled through! You go Girl!!:))


My workout Monday song list!

Well a girl has got to lose weight!:) I won't be posting pictures of my workouts! cause really who wants to see that? and plus those pictures can be used against you one day!:)) but I will show certain ones Maybe! with makeup on LOL!!! anyway here are the songs I use for my work walk outs!!:))

Mandisa what can I say the girl has been a lose inspiration!! I'm so proud of how far she's come

And there is nothing like family! they can either be a help or a hurt in your efforts to lose weight! it's good to have someone on your journey!:))this song list from the Erica & Tina AKA Mary, Mary makes me feel I'm not working out at all:))

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Speak out!

So many things impact the lives of those in the African American communities Aids, Abuse, Abortion and now Autism! but sometimes we as a people refuse to acknowledge or even speak of things that so impact the lives of many on a daily basis! but what I realize is that you have to bring awareness to these things that plague so many !and the best way to do that is through film! I just want to share this quick clip of a couple who were featured at this year's Megafest event! Duane & Tisha Martin I hope this video will encourage you and helps you to gain more knowledge of the plight of children within our communities!

Also the trailer for the documentary Miss Martin shot along with a few of her friends!

movie night

 Just watched one of my favorite classic films with my dad. I don't recall seeing many films like this growing up