Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Shes got Papers

First, a new kid on the block ~ armed with a box of crayons, ready to make her mark on the world. Next, a young lady forging ahead ~ jotting down all those fabulous ideas to help mold and shape her journey. Then, a lady fully focused on the prize, knowing that the future is right now ~ she is determined to triumph!

From The Babes in pink ruffle dresses making their intro to the under 7 set, to The Misses in bell bottoms using their minds to create their realities, to The Ladies who are stunning with or without exterior decoration, awake to all the possibilities, who are writing their own tickets all while staying true to #1.

I am one of the Ladies: Mom to Brandon & Jada, Wife to James, Daughter to Cheryl & Lefty, Grand-Daughter to Peola & Smitty and Little Sister to Chermia. They each help to carry me in their own little way.

She's Got Papers is witty, smart, fun and uplifting. It is reflective of my belief in self expression, my appreciation of words and my passion for paper.

Always Be Inspired . . .


2 of my favorites artists

I love hearing how real and down to earth! Miss Patti is you always hear other artists say how nice she is too them.I found this clip and wanted to share it with you all:))

movie night

 Just watched one of my favorite classic films with my dad. I don't recall seeing many films like this growing up