Tuesday, December 25, 2012
are you ready
Today it's Christmas! for some this is a good day! for some maybe not.many have lost love ones this year through death or divorce! none the less it's a loss! and it can bring up alot of painful memories from some.But you know that as I reflect on this Christmas day I realize the ones that I remember the most are the ones where you had to just smile or suffer through! not thinking you would make it pass that day! I remember growing up wanting a video camera! i would cut out pictures put them on my wall! i was obsessed with getting one! I never did get one as a child! but as I got older I would inherit a few.and you know what I realized somethings you are not ready for when you ask for it then.it takes time to mature for the responsibilty for the very thing you want at that moment! some of us as singles wine about wanting to be married! but are you really ready for what it is you are asking for?? I see kids getting things they are not even emotinally ready to handle! pets! phones,video games etc! but did anyone ever think to ask are they ready!? and that's my thought this christmas are you ready reallly ready for what it is you are asking for??that new job! the new car! the house! the man or woman?? the child! are you ready?it took me this long to realize that somethings no matter how badly you want it right now! if you reallly take the time to ask yourself the hard question it could save you alot of pain in the end! so now as I look back on christmas past and realize it was worth the wait:))
Monday, November 26, 2012
Take me 2 the King spinofffs
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!! i know I did:) still eating left overs if you can believe it.Anyway who knows me knows that my first love is Music!! So the other day I hear the song by Miss Tamela Mann who I LOVE!!!! called Take me 2 the King and WOWZERS!!!! I LOVED,LOVED,LOVED it! Who knew that it would create some Hilarious spin-offs! I posted the original version and the 2 that I have found so far! Just waiting to hear the smoothie king version which is needed after all the food I have pigged out on Oink,Oink!!:))
The 2 spinoffs:))
Monday, September 17, 2012
Tears of sweet JOY!!
Omg!! moms and florida Rock!! seeing this video makes you realize little boys really never grow up! that within each of us lies that little kid who will always have a soft spot for that toy,little teddy ,blanket or whatever it was you held on to as a child that made you feel safe inside!! such a sweet reminder of childhood and the innocence of times gone by.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
Has it come to this?
With the win! of Gabby Douglas some in the social media world has reduced her all down to is this?? Man when will some black women ever love themselves??:) I watched this video and loved the interaction of the 2 ladies over the topic of hair! neither one tearing the other one down! it's crazy how she makes history and all that some can talk about is the HAIR!!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
LOve her STYLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Thought you like to know

Theresa Harris (1906 - 1985) was an African American actress who starred in a number of supporting and or uncredited roles in films between 1929 and 1958. Born in Houston, Texas on New Years Eve 1906; the daughter of Isaiah (1879 - 1956) and Mable (1883 - 1964) Harris who were former sharecroppers in Louisianna; growing up she was raised as a Methodist and had originally wanted to become a singer from having listened to the voices of Louis Armstrong and Ethel Waters in the 1920s.
In 1929, she came out to Hollywood and lent her singing voice to an early talkie entitled Thunderbolt and from there her career took off. In the 1930s she was a free-lance actress and moved around between Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Warner Bros. Studios. Her roles, a large percent of them uncredited, consisted of her playing blues singers, hat-check girls, maids, waitresses, tribal women, prostitutes, and, most particurally, maids.
Some of the notable actresses that she played a servant to included Joan Blondell, Ginger Rogers, Frances Dee, Barbara Stanwyck, Myrna Loy, Jean Harlow, Katharine Hepburn, Bette Davis, Marlene Dietrich, and Kay Francis. She felt that Hollywood would someday give her the chance to play a real role but unfortunatley due to the racial prejudice and steryotypes of the time that thought never transpired into a reality.
In 1933, she married a well to do African American doctor named Joe Robinson and they were happily married until his death in 1964. Theresa made her last screen apperance in another uncredited role in 1958's The Gift of Love and upon the film's completion she retired from acting all together. She lived a comfortable remainder of her life having invested in movies and on October 8, 1985 Theresa Harris died from natural causes at her home in Inglewood, California. By her request she was interred at the Angelus Rosedale Cemetery in Los Angeles, CA.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Your beauty is not in your Booty

My friends on Facebook are bona fide cut-ups and comedians, and I find myself laughing straight into my computer screen more times in the day than a reasonably sane person probably ought to. Scrolling through my newsfeed yesterday, I noticed a picture someone posted with the caption, “Harpo, who dis woman?” I chuckled at the silly quip, per usual, but then I squinted. It was Lil’ Kim. I’ve seen her methodically morph from a brown-skinned around-the-way cutie to a plastic surgery chopped and screwed caricature. Most recently, she’s had a set of ri-damn-diculous butt implants saddled to her rump that, on her tiny frame, make her look like she’s hauling some serious junk in her trunk.
I don’t even criticize her so much. I mean, it’s sad to watch someone with so much self-loathing and so much determination to alter their perceived flaws chip at themselves procedure by procedure until they’ve outwardly become a completely different person. Most of us don’t have the money to fuel a plastic surgery addiction; a trip to the beauty supply store for a fresh set of lashes and maybe a new pack of weave is about as far as it can go with the economy the way it is. But I wonder how many of us would nip at this or tuck at that if money wasn’t a consideration and we could naturally make the change, meaning we weren’t destined to end up having a sneaky pic of our backside end up a topic of conversation on somebody’s Facebook page.
Kim’s decision to plump her assets is reflective of a new obsession and over-emphasis on booty. Once upon a time, Black women had to defend our curvy figures because they didn’t fit the standard image of mainstream beauty. We argued that our bodies, though thicker in certain parts, even amongst the thinner sisters, are just as beautiful. Then hip-hop celebrated the shapeliness of the Black woman’s brickhouse body type. We lost control of our own body image and eventually, it wasn’t so much of an acknowledgement of our beauty as a hot commodity that every sister worth her salt had to have in order to be considered desirable and attractive.
On more than one occasion, I’ve heard guys comment as bands of young ladies walked by that some were cute, but they didn’t have enough butt. I’ve seen girls tear themselves down and curse their own completely adorable shapes because they felt they weren’t stacked enough. I’ve seen more than my fair share of women trying to use the iron maiden contraptions that are body shapers to give the illusion of the full breasts, itty bitty waistline and big, boomin’ backsides we’re all supposed to have.
It doesn’t help that statistics have us all hepped up on this fantastical shortage of Black men and ever-dwindling possibility of getting married. So competition is high out here for a husband and, in some circles, ladies are doing whatever is necessary to put themselves in the running. A bangin’ body is a must-have. A job, good credit and personality, all that is nice. But dudes aren’t checking for your business card or your FICO score when they size you up and decide if they want to talk to you. They’re checking out the features on your lean, mean, sexual fantasy machine. And this thirstiness is what’s driving otherwise rational, reasonable women to meet seedy characters in hotel rooms and have their butts injected with concoctions that only God and chemical engineers know consist of.
We used to have to fight to have our beauty recognized. Now our beauty is being crammed into this monolithic, one-size-must-fit-all standard that’s putting pressure on girls and even mature women. Meanwhile, the dudes who rate and berate our bodies, at least a good half of the time, don’t have any business under the sun offering up criticism on anybody else’s physique. They’ve got pot bellies. Man boobs. No muscle tone to speak of. Love handles, chicken chests and flat tails of their own. But somehow, they feel entitled to slam a sister her for what they feel are physical shortcomings. We’ve got to stop propping these guys up like their houses ain’t made of glass.
This June marks the anniversary of the pivotal release of “Baby Got Back,” the song that will never die. It’s taken on a whole new meaning since Sir-Mix-a-Lot wanted to cheerlead the sistergirl shape. In the end, we all, including Lil’ Kim, have to be comfortable and happy in our own skin and if she finds peace in changing her parts and pieces like a real-life Barbie, then more power to her. But I hope she and other women will pause to reflect on why they feel like they need to make those changes. God made you fierce, fabulous and wonderful. And that entails more than being just a big butt and a smile.
Read more: http://www.essence.com/2012/03/30/the-write-of-die-chick-your-beauty-is-not-in-your-booty/#ixzz1qip8bFek
Friday, March 30, 2012

They say God speaks in pictures and this film spoke so much to me. I just loved it from start to finish! some of the questions in the film i have asked myself! realizing the sacrifice one makes when kids come into play! also thinking of a new line of cards i wanted to start! all the questions I asked myself were answered in this film!! Hollywood gets a bad rap and sometimes it's well deserved! but after seeing this one I can say they got it right!! just be ready to get out the tissues!! a tear jerker for sure! the kids in this movie did such a great job the whole cast was wonderful!! another movie to add to the collection!!:))
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Heaven part 2
I can only imagine being in the studio when this track was presented! i can imagine just sitting there bobbing my heAD UP AND DOWN SEARCHING FOR THE RIGHT WORDS!! WHEN A SONG IS PLAYED AND YOU HEAR THE first take of the song and it hits you and jumps right at you then you know you have a hit on your hands!!would love to know the process of a song from other songwriters! like which comes first the melody or the lyrics!!maybe even both at the same time!!:))
When I saw this on fashion tv I was so amazed!! I had never seen anything like it.Alexander was one of my most very favorite if you can say it like that designers!!! I loved his creaive spirit! he always seemed like someone who would not be around for along time! like one who knew he had to give his all because there would be one day or moment that he would be gone! I always felt there was a sadness to him! maybe not so much sadness but lonely! maybe he was just shy and quiet! like most artists are. I hope you enjoy this as much as i do:) R.I.P
Friday, March 16, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Realtalk tuesday
Love how this was shot! I like this more then a sold out stadium feel! you get to be up close and personal and see the faces of who's listening to your musuc why they do and how they connect with what it is you are trying too convey in your songs!! It's cool to go after the big names in producers but I love it when people take the no names on and make them better at their craft! it's a lost art in many ways that harken back to the days of motown where you would mold a artist now it's just the same old thing.and don't even get me started on what they do with female artists!!! it's a long video but it's worth it:))
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
New Artist
Always want to showcase and feature new talent that i come across here on utube and other outlets here on the world wide web! don't know if this is her hair or not but the blonde afro Rocks!!:))
Monday, January 30, 2012
it's not what you think:))
Check it out! lots of great info!:))
I love the necklace in this video!
and they laugh at me when i want 2 wear different earrings!!:)) u got 2bu:))
I love the necklace in this video!
and they laugh at me when i want 2 wear different earrings!!:)) u got 2bu:))
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday!1 to the one the ony Oprah Winfrey:)0 we share the same month which is so cool!! maybe i don't agree with her on everything hook line and sinker but I will say she's one of those who have impacted so many lives and has given so much to others .So celebrate your day with all the wonderful gifts that life has to offer! By the way what do you buy for someone like her????:))

Award Season!
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movie night
Just watched one of my favorite classic films with my dad. I don't recall seeing many films like this growing up
Please forgive me for not being on here in quite sometime I really do promise to do better.I'm going to be posting websites of women of ...