Tuesday, December 25, 2012

are you ready

Today it's Christmas! for some this is a good day! for some maybe not.many have lost love ones this year through death or divorce! none the less it's a loss! and it can bring up alot of painful memories from some.But you know that as I reflect on this Christmas day I realize the ones that I remember the most are the ones where you had to just smile or suffer through! not thinking you would make it pass that day! I remember growing up wanting a video camera! i would cut out pictures put them on my wall! i was obsessed with getting one! I never did get one as a child! but as I got older I would inherit a few.and you know what I realized somethings you are not ready for when you ask for it then.it takes time to mature for the responsibilty for the very thing you want at that moment! some of us as singles wine about wanting to be married! but are you really ready for what it is you are asking for?? I see kids getting things they are not even emotinally ready to handle! pets! phones,video games etc! but did anyone ever think to ask are they ready!? and that's my thought this christmas are you ready reallly ready for what it is you are asking for??that new job! the new car! the house! the man or woman?? the child! are you ready?it took me this long to realize that somethings no matter how badly you want it right now! if you reallly take the time to ask yourself the hard question it could save you alot of pain in the end! so now as I look back on christmas past and realize it was worth the wait:))

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movie night

 Just watched one of my favorite classic films with my dad. I don't recall seeing many films like this growing up