Kenneth Mosley Thank you! for sharing :) I have always loved that intro takes me back. I don't often like it when artists cover a classic. But Avant did this song justice
I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.
Just watched another great documentary. I have seen this picture many times on pinterest and saw the face again and looked her up. I know there are many stories yet to be told and some you will never hear about. I did not expect to laugh watching this film as a few funny stories were told in the midst of all that was going on . If you watch it the reverend's story will have you lol!! Keeping a sense of humor even in the worst of times wow!! You can watch this on prime if you have it .
Dear Mama by tupac shows the other side that family and friends said that he wanted to share more of. This song will go down as a song for those who may not have had the perfect mother and child relationship. This day can be a hard one for so many. but even though he and she were not perfect! the fact that he took the time to put pen to paper and write this ode to his mother shows where his future was headed as a poet
Today was a good day :) Donuts to go Yummy :) Supporting small biz . planted a mini garden thanks to Sheena Rena and walked Lake Monroe with my sister talking pictures and videos along the way. It's the little things