Monday, October 31, 2016

Product photography

Well just looking at all the different pictures of showing me how I can take product pictures. alot of advice out here.but taking my time.Just signed up for instagram Finally LOL!!!!! and in the process of creating a website! finally open a etsy store and adding things daily. had I still had the person in my life who used to help me with all this I know I would be further ahead.but I would have never realized how far I could come in the process myself!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Creative resources

Hello All:) been on a search for  few things and I'm just now getting the chance to blog about them. here are a few resources that I have found in regards to stationery,greeting cards. Please let me know if you need help with anything!:))




movie night

 Just watched one of my favorite classic films with my dad. I don't recall seeing many films like this growing up