It's almost the New Year! and I want to leaave you with a few Christmas songs i forgot 2 post!!:))
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Happy New Year:)
Had a great! christmas and plan on having a Great New year! this is my last post in 2011 praying for amazing things in 2012!!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Shes got Papers

First, a new kid on the block ~ armed with a box of crayons, ready to make her mark on the world. Next, a young lady forging ahead ~ jotting down all those fabulous ideas to help mold and shape her journey. Then, a lady fully focused on the prize, knowing that the future is right now ~ she is determined to triumph!
From The Babes in pink ruffle dresses making their intro to the under 7 set, to The Misses in bell bottoms using their minds to create their realities, to The Ladies who are stunning with or without exterior decoration, awake to all the possibilities, who are writing their own tickets all while staying true to #1.
I am one of the Ladies: Mom to Brandon & Jada, Wife to James, Daughter to Cheryl & Lefty, Grand-Daughter to Peola & Smitty and Little Sister to Chermia. They each help to carry me in their own little way.
She's Got Papers is witty, smart, fun and uplifting. It is reflective of my belief in self expression, my appreciation of words and my passion for paper.
Always Be Inspired . . .
2 of my favorites artists
I love hearing how real and down to earth! Miss Patti is you always hear other artists say how nice she is too them.I found this clip and wanted to share it with you all:))
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Food for thought Thursday!
Real Talk: Are You Willing to Date a Non-Black Man?

This morning I was supposed to do an interview about interracial dating for the Wall Street Journal’s site, The goal was to sit down with Ralph Richard Banks, a Stanford law professor and the author of the very controversial book, “Is Marriage for White People?” which says it’s in Black women’s best interest to give non-Black men a shot.
Stay with me.
An unexpected issue made it necessary for the news site to reschedule this morning, which may be for the best. Trust, I know you're tired of hearing about single Black women and the implications of what they need to “fix” in order to become married Black women. But before you click the “X” at the top of the screen, I ask you to hear me out… once again.
I have issues with Banks' outlook, as I made clear in a previous Real Talk post. But I do agree with his overall premise that’s it’s time Black women considered the other options we have when it comes to dating and relationships, i.e., dating non-Black men.
You still with me?
This isn’t about dogging out Black men. If you’ve read my work, you’ll know that I think there are “good” Black men aplenty. I select one to be featured in each issue of ESSENCE and I find a bevy of them for the annual Do Right Men issue every August. I meet them nightly as I scour the city streets of New York, and other cities too, and narrow the prospects down to offer up to you, email addresses included. I’ve dated several, and I have one to call my own.
My outlook also isn’t about placing non-Black men on a pedestal. Men are men, some will do you dirty. Some won’t.
What this is about is suggesting to you that you expand your options to include men, of any color, who will treat you in the manner that you find acceptable, whether they share your skin color, or your culture, or not. Dating is a numbers game. And if you are single and don’t want to be, it makes sense to tip the odds in your favor by expanding your palette.
One of my very good friends is married to a non-Black man. Before I knew that, I loved the way her eyes lit up when she told me how they’d met at a bar on Canal Street, found they had everything in common, and from that first conversation, they had spoken every day since.
When I finally met him, I was surprised to find he wasn’t Black. Honestly? “She got a white boy?” was my first thought. But as I watched the way he looked at her like she was the only woman in the room, his race became a non-factor. I wanted a man to look at me that way -- the New York wind chill was a little warmer, like the ‘I can barely make ‘em out here’ stars in this city were a little brighter, like my kisses were a little sweeter, too. I wanted that feeling of being looked at with love -- and not just from my Daddy.
Maybe that feeling would come with a Black man. Maybe not.
If I feel that way, does his race matter?
Should it?
Demetria L. Lucas is the Relationships Editor at ESSENCE and the author of "A Belle in Brooklyn: Your Go-to Girl for Advice on Living Your Best Single Life” (Atria) in stores now. Ask her your dating and relationship questions on

This morning I was supposed to do an interview about interracial dating for the Wall Street Journal’s site, The goal was to sit down with Ralph Richard Banks, a Stanford law professor and the author of the very controversial book, “Is Marriage for White People?” which says it’s in Black women’s best interest to give non-Black men a shot.
Stay with me.
An unexpected issue made it necessary for the news site to reschedule this morning, which may be for the best. Trust, I know you're tired of hearing about single Black women and the implications of what they need to “fix” in order to become married Black women. But before you click the “X” at the top of the screen, I ask you to hear me out… once again.
I have issues with Banks' outlook, as I made clear in a previous Real Talk post. But I do agree with his overall premise that’s it’s time Black women considered the other options we have when it comes to dating and relationships, i.e., dating non-Black men.
You still with me?
This isn’t about dogging out Black men. If you’ve read my work, you’ll know that I think there are “good” Black men aplenty. I select one to be featured in each issue of ESSENCE and I find a bevy of them for the annual Do Right Men issue every August. I meet them nightly as I scour the city streets of New York, and other cities too, and narrow the prospects down to offer up to you, email addresses included. I’ve dated several, and I have one to call my own.
My outlook also isn’t about placing non-Black men on a pedestal. Men are men, some will do you dirty. Some won’t.
What this is about is suggesting to you that you expand your options to include men, of any color, who will treat you in the manner that you find acceptable, whether they share your skin color, or your culture, or not. Dating is a numbers game. And if you are single and don’t want to be, it makes sense to tip the odds in your favor by expanding your palette.
One of my very good friends is married to a non-Black man. Before I knew that, I loved the way her eyes lit up when she told me how they’d met at a bar on Canal Street, found they had everything in common, and from that first conversation, they had spoken every day since.
When I finally met him, I was surprised to find he wasn’t Black. Honestly? “She got a white boy?” was my first thought. But as I watched the way he looked at her like she was the only woman in the room, his race became a non-factor. I wanted a man to look at me that way -- the New York wind chill was a little warmer, like the ‘I can barely make ‘em out here’ stars in this city were a little brighter, like my kisses were a little sweeter, too. I wanted that feeling of being looked at with love -- and not just from my Daddy.
Maybe that feeling would come with a Black man. Maybe not.
If I feel that way, does his race matter?
Should it?
Demetria L. Lucas is the Relationships Editor at ESSENCE and the author of "A Belle in Brooklyn: Your Go-to Girl for Advice on Living Your Best Single Life” (Atria) in stores now. Ask her your dating and relationship questions on
Friday, September 23, 2011
Studio Ideas
Watching this clip of the WWS and it gave me a few ideas of how i want my studio 2 look! who says only little girls like PINK!!!!:))
Thursday, September 22, 2011
So many parts
Wow!! can't say how much i love this song!!been rocking it ever since i heard it on youtube! you know when you find a good song that just speaks toa space that you are in and this song just puts it in the way I feel!! just a great song to bob yo head 2 while you are creating,cleaning or just having a good day!! and this gurl can sho nuff SANG!!!!!!:))
and the video is off the wall with the visuals!! Adore the colors etc! i could keep on Lol!! hope u like
and the video is off the wall with the visuals!! Adore the colors etc! i could keep on Lol!! hope u like
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Thank you! Todd Beamer
Thank you Todd Beamer and the rest of you who laid down your life that day !When you chose to board that fateful day you did not know that it would be the day you were all to be wriitten down in history as Heros!! May God Bless you all for what you did that day!!
Never Forget!!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Anyone who knows me can testify that i could use some help when it comes to the eyebrows department a sista could use some help!!!! thank goodness for utube finding alot of help on here! this is a great video to pass on:))
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Way back when
I remember when i was younger how i would sneak in my brother's room and take his tapes! Yes I said it side A & side B LOL!!! and that's how i discovered Guy!! fell in love with the sound and wanted everything by them!those were the days!! not saying I listened to everything put out by them but when i heard this one I went Crazy!!!!! they would play this on the radio daily!! sniff,sniff eyes filling up with water:))
Friday, July 1, 2011
Sweet Design Studio
Thursday, June 30, 2011
@ new greeting card vendors
Thursday, June 23, 2011
throwback thrusday!!
I always thought this was Phillip Michael Thomas from back in the day! I guess I was wrong :)) this video is so commercial
Monday, June 13, 2011
Motivate me Monday!
When I started out I wanted to have a line of gift bags ! so i thought to buy some gift bags awhile back on and draw on them .But now i find that it will be much easier making labels and ordering the bags!and i found a great place!so be on the look out for gift bags from My Girls Studios coming soon!:)
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
So i started another blog in fact i have started a few that i needb 2 delete i barely keep up to date with this one! i think i will just incorparate it all into one.there are days when i will talk about fashion others about film and other days where i'm crafting and just blogging about my day! so bare with me as i get it all together:))
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Music MondaY!!
OmG!!!! this brings back so many good memories of how i used 2 hear this song played on the radio and it would just send me into music orbit everytime.When i first of of CB I fell in love! nothing like old school R&B:)
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
New music
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Dumb Deep!
Don't tell me your first response would not be like this if this happenend to someone you loved? Man people who call themselves christians need to stop being so deep that they can't feel the pain of others and the reality that people go through! Stop being so dumb deep and be real for just a second! all this concern for you know who is a bit crazy!! if you ask me!Be real first and be deep later!!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Word up!! Wednesday
Way Back Wednesday!!
So my computer is down right now! so i'm using another one until mine is fixed so i can show you all what i'm working on in the studio:) So I'm having fun posting a few utube vids Here's one from back in the day that I just truly adore!!!!:))
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Think about it?
Many in the pro-life movement stand for life but how many are open to the thought of openining up their homes and hearts to the option of adoption?this is the change that many need to really make sure no child is left behind it's time that we as people of faith wake up !! and see that if we want children to have life and live life abundatley then this is the way for us to grow.But keep in mind there is grace to walk this road of that is what is on your heart to do. Let's join up with those in Hollywood who are doing the samw Adoption is the Option:))
Tacky Tuesday!!
Can't they tell she's having trouble walking in the dress?? Jay should have stepped in and carried her up the stairs like a prince rescuing his princess! can you believe this was news?:))
Jumping the Broom
Looks like this is going to worth seeing:) The guy who plays the groom Just saying!!:))
Monday, May 2, 2011
Music MondaY!!
OMG!!!!! I can never get through this song without that ugly cry!!! i heard this song and it just tore me up!!.Don't think i could ever see this movie though.There was a time in my life that this song just made it all the better! this song is dedicated to my family and most of all You God cause you gave been a friend that has stuck closer to me then anyone ever could have:) You gave me my family just to let me know that:))There was a time I never thought I would laugh about it but it's so good to get 2 the other side and know who has been there with you through it all:)
Here are the words to the song just in case u wanted 2 know:))
Time passes, the world changes
But I'm still the same ole' kid
And your jokes still bring me laughter
As if you still were here
And it hurts
When I smile
'Cause my heart still remembers
When you were around
'Cause you were there
When no one was
Just when I thought nobody cared
You showed me love
'Cause you were my friend
You always told me
And I am still here
Because you were there
So precious, small treasures
A time when truth was innocent
True friendship, was all we were after
A place where kids could still be kids
And it hurts
But I'm glad
'Cause at least I was blessed
To have you as my friend
You're my best friend
There are no accidents
God has a plan for everyone
And he brought you in my life
To show me what a good friendship was
Here are the words to the song just in case u wanted 2 know:))
Time passes, the world changes
But I'm still the same ole' kid
And your jokes still bring me laughter
As if you still were here
And it hurts
When I smile
'Cause my heart still remembers
When you were around
'Cause you were there
When no one was
Just when I thought nobody cared
You showed me love
'Cause you were my friend
You always told me
And I am still here
Because you were there
So precious, small treasures
A time when truth was innocent
True friendship, was all we were after
A place where kids could still be kids
And it hurts
But I'm glad
'Cause at least I was blessed
To have you as my friend
You're my best friend
There are no accidents
God has a plan for everyone
And he brought you in my life
To show me what a good friendship was
Makeover Monday
So it's not in the budget right now!! but a girl can dream can't she??:)) I'm all about comfort when it comes to fashion! besides anybody know where a Big foot girl can get a pair of fierce pumps!! in a size ______ not telling!LOL!!!
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movie night
Just watched one of my favorite classic films with my dad. I don't recall seeing many films like this growing up
Please forgive me for not being on here in quite sometime I really do promise to do better.I'm going to be posting websites of women of ...